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Copenhagen to Forslov by bike

February 2, 2018
Copenhagen: That’s how a future city will look like
January 24, 2018

The big day started with rain outside my window and i was waiting for the weather to change. After a couple of hours i was ready, packed and riding. I started with my clip-in shoes so i could pedal more efficiently but it was difficult with so many lights and the weight too, so i’ve changed to my regulars.

I headed north to catch a ferry from Helsingør to Helsinborg. The bike lane that led me there was perfect and the suburbs i saw were showing a lot of wealth.

You have to adapt with the weather when you’re riding a bike and i was dealing with a nice temperature but the wind was cold from time to time. If i wore a wind proof jacket i would get sweaty and then i couldn’t get it off. So i decided to ride slower to avoid the air on my belly.

It took me three hours to get to Helsingør. It didn’t had differences to the other suburbs i’d seen and I didn’t have the time to explore it. I wanted to ride till Bastad, 60kms away from Helsinborg.

I paid four euros for me and my bike to cross the canal. There wasn’t any bike lane waiting for me as i got out but soon i found my way as i started riding in Sweden for the first time. A steep hill after 100 meters tried to disappoint me but i was prepared for everything!

I started riding north without any sign of Kattegatleden path but i knew i wanted to skip a part to avoid riding all its distance. Its full length is 375km and i wanted to reach Goteborg in three days ride.

After a while i stopped to recharge or should I say eat something. I ate a hole pizza and that gave me the power to continue.

Many kilometers later i was feeling exhausted and i couldn’t go any further. I had though two major needs. The first was to get a sim card and buy a data plan and the other was to camp somewhere. I was lucky that i had all of them done in under half an hour as the rain was starting and Bastad was one hour away.

I pitched my tent for the first time i was going to wildcamp by myself. It wasn’t easy to arrange my panniers and my stuff inside nor i had space to move. The positions were two: laying on my matress or sitting at the front of the tent.

I spoke on the phone with my relatives and soon i was asleep. It was only 7 o’clock!

I woke up in the middle of the night listening the rain and trying to keep my self warm. I put on a second blouse, jacket, socks, balaklava and gloves! I didn’t get much sleep after that as i was feeling very cold and feared that i would get sick.




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